The Common is privately owned land but is managed by South Norfolk District Council

The Common
The ‘Rough Guide’ to Mulbarton Common Bye-Laws. This brief summary of the bye-laws of Mulbarton Common outlines the key points. For details of each one, please consult the official wording on display near the church fence and at the South East corner of the Common.
Do not place or deposit anything on the common
Do not dig or cut anything
Do not remove or damage seats, bins etc
Do not shoot or chase birds or animals
Do not drive or park vehicles except where permitted
Do not erect buildings, fences, posts, tents etc
Do not have shows or exhibitions etc
Do not camp, do not light a fire
Do not discharge missiles (N.B. includes golf balls)
Do not allow animals to remain on the common
Do not ride horses across the common
Every bye-law states "without lawful authority". The authority is South Norfolk District Council.
Offenders can be convicted and fined.
Vehicles, animals, structures and people which offend the bye-laws can be removed from the common.
The Scheme for Management of Mulbarton Common is dated 1899: “The local inhabitants shall have the right of free access to every part of the common, and a privilege of playing games and enjoying other recreation, subject to any bye-laws” (item 5) “the District Council may protect and improve the common as a place for exercise and recreation by draining, planting, placing seats, making new paths and roads etc.” (items 3 & 6)
Mulbarton Common Bye-laws were approved by the UK Secretary of State in 1971