Pathway through Jubilee Gardens
Mulbarton Village Sign
Orchard Park
Pathway through Jubilee Gardens
Latest News
South Norfolk Council, working in collaboration with Mulbarton Parish Council, were recently successful in achieving funding, through an application to the Pride in Place Community Grant, to commission a feasibility study to look at the community facilities in Mulbarton and specifically the various uses of the village hall site.
This work will investigate the current challenges and benefits of the site, understand and document the current and future needs, wants and issues for user groups/ the local community and consequently consider various options for the site, including potential operating models and recommended facility mixes and building provision.
An important part of the feasibility work is to consult with local user groups and organisations, as well as the wider community. Your views and feedback are an important element of this work and we would like to invite you to provide your views via a short online questionnaire, which should take less than 5 minutes to complete. A link to the questionnaire is provided below. Please click on this link to complete the survey:
We very much hope that you will take the time to contribute to this study by completing the survey, which will remain open until 2 September 2024.
We have vacancies for Parish Councillors. If you can spare a few hours most weeks for this voluntary role and would like to find out more, read our co-option policy and contact the clerk.
We're responsible for:
play areas at The Common and The Meadows
allotments at Long Lane, Oakley Park South, The Meadows and The Swamp
Jubilee Gardens at The Meadows
Orchard Park
the maintenance of the clock in the church tower
the provision of litter and dog bins
There is a lot happening at your Parish Council, read our latest newsletter to find out more.
We have allotment plots available at Long Lane and Swamp. If you are interested in taking on a plot, contact the clerk